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Tonglen for Our Own Suffering

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Tonglen for Our Own Suffering


by Swami Girijananda

Tonglen is a classic spiritual practice for awakening and strengthening compassion. We expand the heart to embrace everything in the human experience. Swami Girijananda's approach, which blends elements from both the Buddhist and Hindu tantric traditions, focuses on releasing us from our own suffering through what she calls "breathing in the dark and breathing out the light." 

Breaking down the steps of tonglen, she shows us how to face, befriend, and transform our darkness into light. First we learn to acknowledge our own darkness, our "stuff." Next, we separate those feelings from our stories about them. Finally, we connect to the inner light of our own true nature and experience the natural transformation that takes place from within. This book includes seven distinct variations of this simple yet powerful practice, suitable for people at any stage of inner development. 

Free Bonus Content: Seven guided meditations (audio links below).

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Free audio files for the seven variations of Tonglen practice! Click links below to listen..

1. The Core Practice (11:00)
2. Simultaneous Tonglen (1:54)
3. The Central Channel (3:38)
4. Fuel for Awareness (3:41)
5. Vajrasattva Practice (3:24)
6. The Hamsa Mantra (3:09)
7. Traditional Tonglen (3:18)

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Praise for Tonglen for Our Own Suffering

“A powerful practice manual. . . .  I recommend this book to anyone who yearns to experience the freedom and love that the sages tell us is possible even in the midst of life’s inevitable pain.”   Sally Kempton, Author of Meditation for the Love of It, Awakening Shakti, and Doorways to the Infinite

“ Lucid and extremely intelligent. . . . This book will be of great value to the earnest practitioner.” Mahamandaleshwar Swami Shankarananda, Author of Consciousness Is Everything

“An absolutely precious book that deserves a place of honor in every spiritual seeker’s library. Swami Girijananda offers a clear, concise, simple explanation of one of the most powerful spiritual practices we can embark on. . . . I highly recommend this wonderful book.” Ramananda John E. Welshons, Author of One Soul, One Love, One Heart and Awakening from Grief