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This July Swamiji will present three days of commentary on Rudi's Tantric Teachings, the last phase of Rudi's work, followed by a two day Shaktipat Intensive.

For the initial three days of the retreat, you will have the chance to sit in satsang with Swamiji and participate in the rich practice traditions of the Movement Center. The program schedule will include morning and evening meditation with Swamiji, as well as his talks on Rudi's tantric work. In addition, there will be daily Chod practice, hatha yoga classes and seva projects. 

Retreat participants are invited to attend eyes-open class at 7:00 pm on the evening of Tuesday, July 19. If you have not attended a retreat before, you will need to come to an orientation to the retreat at 6:00 pm on Tuesday.

The last two days of the retreat are dedicated to the Shaktipat Intensive segment. During the intensive, Swamiji will be giving shaktipat individually to everyone present. He will use the classical method of “touch,“ usually on the head or heart chakra, to awaken kundalini energy and begin a natural process of spiritual transformation.

Three meals a day are included in both programs. Accommodations are available at the Movement Center, though the number of rooms available is limited.

You may choose to attend the full retreat or only the weekend Shaktipat Intensive.