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Rudi In His Own Words


Rudi In His Own Words


by Swami Rudrananda (Rudi)

Rudi brought the wisdom of eastern spirituality to western students in a vital, contemporary form. He had strong opinions about what was spiritual and what was not, and he did not approve of much of what often goes on under the name of spirituality. This book sets out the essence of Rudi's teaching. Excerpts edited from his talks explain the principles and practices he taught, covering the topics of spiritual work, tension, the wish to grow, detachment, surrender, rebirth, teacher and student, and growing.

"Nothing one can say about Rudi's teaching could ever suggest the totality of its power, its capacity to shatter, change and utterly transform you. Rudi's teaching is not about spiritual experience, it is the very essence of it. To read this book is to be immersed in a flow of extraordinary nourishment." -- Bruce Joel Rubin, screenwriter

ISBN 0-915801-20-5

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About the Author

Swami Rudrananda (Rudi) was born in New York City in 1928. A student of various spiritual teachings since his youth, he was himself a teacher for thousands of followers in the United States and Europe before he died in 1973.

Rudi met Bhagavan Nityananda in Ganeshpuri, India, in 1958 and studied with him until Nityananda passed away in 1961. In 1966, Swami Muktananda initiated him into the Saraswati Order of monks, making him one of the first Americans to be recognized as a Swami or master in this tradition. Rudi was a powerful fusion of East and West, dedicated only to spiritual growth and transcendence.